Called to mission

The Bible is filled with stories of everyday people called to do extraordinary things. It's a reminder that God often chooses regular, seemingly unremarkable individuals to shape history. This truth offers hope that no matter how messed up or mundane we may feel, God can still use us for His greater purpose.

Even when we're battling our demons, stuck in routine, or just going through the motions, God can call our name. Many of us yearn for a deeper sense of purpose while navigating our safe and monotonous lives.

So, why do we doubt that God can work through our ordinary, everyday existence?

The Fishermen:

In Matthew 4:18, Jesus begins His ministry in Capernaum, a fishing village by the Sea of Galilee. He didn't approach influential or prestigious figures but called ordinary fishermen like Simon, Andrew, James, and John. They weren't the cleanest or most influential; they were common men with a common trade. Their profession was meant to provide sustenance to others. Jesus intentionally chose them to be "fishers of men."

  • Verse 19: "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."

  • Their immediate response was to leave everything behind, not knowing the journey ahead.

  • Their obedience was swift and unwavering.

Imagine hearing a calling that made no sense at the moment, like, "I'll make you fishers of men," and having such unwavering faith that you follow without questioning.

Suffering + Comfort:

What often prevents us from saying "yes" to Jesus is our reluctance to surrender everything. We often prefer a comfortable Western Christian lifestyle where faith doesn't disrupt our routines. However, the Bible promises us a Comforter, not comfort. Our journey is filled with trials, and it's in those moments that God's comfort becomes our refuge. Suffering, though inevitable, molds our character and deepens our hope.

  • 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 explains how God comforts us in afflictions so we can comfort others.

Jesus Our Shepherd:

Picture Jesus as our Shepherd in Psalm 23:4, guiding us through dark valleys. His rod and staff symbolize protection and guidance, offering us comfort. He leads from behind, watching over His followers, more concerned with our journey than our destination.

We Are Called:

Every believer shares the same mission: to make disciples of all nations. Your unique skills, whether in creativity, corporate work, or even making coffee, can be channels to serve this mission. God can and will use you for His glory; all you have to do is say "yes."

The Internal Adventure of our “Yes”:

Saying "yes" is just the beginning of the journey. Here are the key phases and experiences along the way:

  • Discovery: It all begins with a recognition, a profound sense that there's something greater meant for you. The Holy Spirit places signs and moments in your path to reveal your purpose.

  • Response: This is when you acknowledge that you've seen and heard enough; you're ready to submit to Jesus and embrace the mission He has set before you.

  • Acceptance: This is the point of confirmation. You accept everything you've seen and heard as divine guidance. Even if your life looks the same on the surface, nothing is unchanged beneath the surface.

  • Trust: Trust is your test. Can you trust that God will lead you to the fulfillment of His plan, even when you can't see the entire journey ahead? It's a challenge in relinquishing control and letting God guide you.

  • Safety: Understand that you are loved and secured wherever God sends you. It's a reminder that in your mission, you're never alone, and you're continually embraced by God's love and protection.

  • Discomfort: This phase can be unsettling. You may feel restless, irritable, and impatient. It's when your faith is stretched beyond its comfort zone. It's the season of growth, building endurance, and developing character.

  • Confidence: At the end of the journey, you gain an unshakable confidence. You become fearless, secure, and unburdened by the need for external validation. Your trust in God's plan becomes unwavering. This is when you truly grasp that God had spoken to you first, long before anyone else validated your path.


The disciples couldn't return to fishing after being with Jesus; they continued to be fishers of men. Just like them, you can't go back either once you've experienced God's mission for you. You are called to be part of a greater work, to bring miracles into someone's life, and to fulfill the Great Commission. Your job, whatever it may be, is not a hindrance but an opportunity.

Lean into it, ask God how to use it for His glory, and give Him your "yes." Everything He has for you is already defined, and He's ready to help you fulfill it.

2 Corinthians 1:20-22 reminds us that God's promises are sealed with the "Yes" of Jesus, and His Spirit empowers us to fulfill our destined purpose.

Say "yes" to God's call on your life, and embark on the extraordinary journey that awaits you in the ordinary.

Want to watch the full message of Called To Mission from Wild Nights?

You can watch here on Youtube.


What is missional living?